Indoor plants

5 Ways to Bring the Outside In

Updated December 21, 2016 . AmFam Team

Renting an apartment has its perks, but if you live in a unit with no yard, or even so much as a balcony — you probably miss the easy access to the great outdoors. And while nothing can replace the lush greenery of nature, you can try your best to bring it indoors with a few simple tricks.

Plant it up. Go literal with your quest for outdoors by stocking your apartment with foliage. Not only does it freshen up your space, it’s good for your health. Check out this list of air purifying plants and deck your rental with a touch of nature.

Let in the light. Instead of heavy, light-filtering window coverings, opt for light or sheer curtains to let in some natural sunlight. You’ll be able to catch a glimpse of the outside, and your plants will thank you, too!

Feel the breeze. While the A/C might feel comfortable in the summer, occasionally opening the windows to feel a breeze, without the hum of a machine, is just as refreshing. When you’re doing your spring cleaning, throw open the windows to air out and breathe new life into your small space.

Plant a garden. Make use of your window sills by planting a small herb garden to use for cooking. Stock up on basil and chive plants, or whichever herbs you find the tastiest, and let them grow in your sunniest window. Bonus points for a kitchen window — that way, you’ll always have fresh herbs within arm’s reach!

Get outside. If you don’t have the luxury of experiencing the great outdoors right outside your door, make it a mission to experience it elsewhere. Get outside and walk, go to the park, and take in as much nature as you can, while you can. After all, your apartment will always be there when you get back.

While your space will never beat the feeling of spending time in the great outdoors, you can create a space that comes close. And with these tips in mind, your rental is all set to grow!

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