Two roomates in the kitchen.

7 Savvy Tips for Living With a Roommate

Updated December 1, 2016 . AmFam Team

Living with a roommate isn’t always easy. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun! Here are some guidelines to help you navigate your new living situation.

Whether your new roomie is a long-time friend or someone you just met, living together isn’t always easy. You’ll be spending a lot of time together and that comes with its own set of challenges. But that’s not to say it can’t be fun, too!

Here are some guidelines to help you navigate your new living situation and become the best ever roommate in no time:

Open up communication. Communication is key to keeping any situation in check. So let your roommate know that you’d prefer to talk openly with each other about any potential disagreements or pet-peeves. Despite how awkward it might be at first, you’ll thank yourself for taking the high-road to problem solving.

Draw up an agreement. This will put everything on the table and ensure that all parties know what’s expected. When putting yours together, set some house rules on how chores will be divided up, when it’s ok to have people over, how bill payments are going to work, etc. Setting these boundaries early on will help clear the way for fun times ahead!

Consider the chore chart. Though you may work out some cleaning expectations in the roommate agreement, it helps to keep track of what’s actually getting done with an organized chore chart. Clear up exactly what each task entails, how often it should be done and who should do it — it’s a good way to avoid roomie spats down the line.

Exchange emergency info. Accidents happen, and it’s important your roommate knows what to do just in case. So fill them in on any medical conditions or serious allergies and give them your family’s contact information. You’ll want theirs in return.

Value your personal time. No matter how much you like binge-watching Netflix with your roomie, it’s important to remember you both need alone time too. Spending some down time in your own space doing your own thing will help you recharge and keep your relationship stress-free.

Be courteous and understanding. It’s simple — treat them as you’d like to be treated. That means respecting their things, notifying them before you invite anyone over, being aware of your own habits and understanding that you’re not always going to be on the same page — and that’s ok! It’s all about doing what you can to make sure you’ll both be happy sharing a home together.

Talk about insurance. You each have things that mean a lot to you. And while you can share a renters insurance policy, it may not be the best option — but your American Family agent (Opens in a new tab) is happy to help you figure it all out! Convince your new roomie to take a trip to their office and walk out with a customized policy that covers all the things that matter most to you and your growing dreams.

Living with someone new can be a fun adventure. Do what you can to keep it that way by following these simple guidelines and creating an environment of respect and understanding in your shared home.

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