Man giving a woman a gift.

Holiday Gift Giving on a Budget

Updated November 3, 2020 . AmFam Team

It’s hard not to get in the gift-giving spirit around the holidays! So here are some tips to help you check everyone off your list without breaking the bank.

The shimmering tree lights, the smell of fresh-baked cookies and the excitement of partaking in family traditions — nothing beats the holiday season! And with spirits so high, it’s hard not to get in the gift-giving mood. But, before you start making your list and checking it twice, make sure you keep your budget on track by having a plan place.

8 Tips to Save on Gifts This Holiday

We’ve put together some money-saving tips for the holidays that’ll help you fill the space beneath your tree without breaking the bank. Take a look!

1. Create a budget

One of the best ways to save this holiday? Create a budget and stick to it! Write down the names of everyone you plan on buying a gift for and how much total you can afford to spend. Breakdown how much you can spend on each person and hold yourself to that amount. Need some budgeting inspiration? Check out these tools to help you budget.

2. Plan ahead

One great strategy to keep your holiday season costs down — spreading them throughout the year! Plan ahead and keep an eye out for sales when they come up. Then tuck them away until December comes back around.

3. Shop savvy

One thing to keep in mind — a good deal never goes out of style! Look for sales online and make sure to compare prices. You’ll never know what savings you’ll stumble upon! And, since you might find yourself doing more shopping online this year, make sure you’re doing what you can to keep your identity safe this holiday.

4. Get crafty

Homemade gifts are all the rage right now! And in the end, it’s the thought that counts. So consider crafting your own presents this year — homemade jams, knitted scarves, hand-decorated coasters, etc. Here are some DIY craft ideas to get you started.

5. Give memories

Have you had meaningful moments with your gift recipient in the past year? Take advantage of that! Frame a picture of the two from a fun day, put together a memory box of your shared favorite things, etc. There’s nothing like a touch of nostalgia to get your friends and family smiling.

6. Draw names

When it comes to family celebrations or gift-giving amongst friends, suggest drawing names so each person only has to buy for one other. There may be less presents to go around, but this gives you the opportunity to get creative and up the quality without breaking your budget.

7. Tighten up your list

Though it might be tempting to buy for every single person you know, you’ll need to draw the line somewhere. Think hard about your list and limit it to the people closest to you. That way you can focus on those who matter most and keep your budget in check.

8. Avoid credit cards

Swiping your plastic and forgetting about it is even easier than it sounds. And although it’s never a good idea to spend money you don’t have, it’s especially important to follow that rule around the holidays. Gift-giving costs add up fast and relying on your credit cards could put you in a sticky situation come January.

No matter what your budget, you’ve got what it takes to make this holiday season a memorable one.. And remember, holidays gifts aren’t about the price tag — they are about making the people you care about feel special and loved. You’ve got this.

This article is for informational purposes only and based on information that is widely available. This information does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal or financial advice. You should contact a professional for advice specific to your situation.

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