2 students walking to class

College Bound? Pack These 9 Essentials

Updated January 12, 2017 . AmFam Team

Moving to college is an exciting time! But packing for dorm living can be a daunting task. Here are 9 things you’d never think to bring — but should!

The freedom of living away from home, the excitement of meeting new people, the endless opportunities for learning — college is a can’t-miss experience! But with all the hustle and bustle that comes with the transition, it’s inevitable that you’ll forget to bring a few things along.

We’re here to help! Here are 9 things you wouldn’t think to pack for college — but should.

Microwave steamer. Sure, you’ve got a dining hall plan, but odds are you’ll grow tired of the less-than-gourmet meals your campus serves. So invest in a microwavable steamer and cook meats and veggies all at the push of a button.

Foam mattress pad. The up side? Your dorm comes with a bed! The down side? It’s definitely not as comfortable as your mattress at home. Up the cozy factor of your room and spare yourself some back-aches by bringing along a comfy mattress pad.

Bedside organizer. Dorm rooms are notorious for being exceptionally small, and that means storage space is limited. So it’s time to get clever! Consider purchasing a bunk bed hanging organizer to store your little knick-knacks.

Door stop. The best way to meet new people and form friendships in college is by keeping an open door policy. So bring along a door stop to prop your door open and get social!

Laptop lock. When you’ve got a roommate, you never really know when people will be hanging out in your room. So safeguard your laptop when you’re not around by investing in a laptop lock that docs to a permanent fixture in your dorm — you won’t regret it.

Power strips and extension cords. Outlets in dorm rooms never seem to be placed in convenient locations. So bring along some extension cords and a power strip so you can set up your electronics wherever you need or want them.

Your medicine cabinet. You’re not used to sharing spaces with hundreds of different people at a time, so it’s not uncommon for your immune system to take a hit your freshman year. Be prepared with vitamins, cold syrup, pain relief medication, etc.

Dress clothes. Sweatpants and a hoodie might be ok to wear to class, but you never know when you’ll need something nicer. Make sure you’ve got a dressy outfit or two to wear in the event of a dorm formal, a first date or even an interview for an exciting internship.

Luggage or a large duffel. You’re so excited to leave for school that you’ve completely forgot about coming home! But when you head back for a long weekend or your holiday break, you’ll want to have a way of bringing some things with you. So pack a duffel bag or a collapsible suitcase so you don’t have to stress last-minute.

With these college essentials added to your packing list, you’ll be ready to take on dorm living in no time. Here’s to the start of a great adventure!

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