Man grouting a backsplash

How to Increase the Value of Your Home

Updated March 13, 2017 . AmFam Team

Increasing the value of your home doesn’t have to cost a ton of money. Follow these tips to make affordable upgrades that will surely add value to your home!

If you’ve made the big decision to sell your home, you may be looking for advice on how to add value to your home. We’ve got some helpful tips, just for you! Ranging from recruiting an interior designer to installing new carpets, we’ve listed 11 ways you can raise your home’s value.

Start your checklist and pick the home improvement projects that best fit your budget and provide you with the most return.

How to Start Adding Value to Your Home

Boosting your home’s resale value is really about knowing where to invest. But how do you make that call? Small purchases can sometimes result in big results that seemingly add instant value to your home. Take a look at these great ideas to crank up your curb appeal:

Recruit a professional

It’s important to take the time to meet with a realtor or interior designer and walk through your home together. Their professional eye might see something that you didn’t. Keep in mind, most realtors will do this as a courtesy, but a professional designer will probably cost a fee.

Hire a home inspector

There’s more to selling your house than making it look pretty. Be sure to hire a professional home inspector to check your house from top to bottom — including the roof, foundation, plumbing, hidden water leaks, electric systems and anything that seems small but could potentially become an expensive problem later on.

Care and maintenance

Is your faucet leaking? Does the toilet run? From carpet stains to light fixtures, potential buyers are going to come in and examine everything with an eagle eye (as you should when looking for your next home), so make sure your plumbing’s working properly.

Make a checklist

Save time and money by planning and creating a list of every suggestion made by the professionals. How much will it cost to fix, add or renovate? Have an idea of how much value will be added to your home with each recommendation, so you know the return on investment.

Add Value With Home Improvements

Although it can seem counterintuitive to invest in upgrades that you won’t benefit from, the truth is: you will, financially. If you follow the advice and direction of your relator and inspector, you’ll know where to aim your cash to bring about a change that can result in a real return on investment.

Upgrade your kitchen

Most real estate experts agree that the kitchen can make or break home sales. And you don’t necessarily have to spend big bucks on costly remodel projects to add value to your home. Even minor updates that you can do yourself, like a new sink or countertops, can boost your home’s resale value.

Improve the bathroom

Bathroom upgrades are widely seen as a cost-efficient way to add value and appeal to your home. Start by re-caulking the tub, sink and shower to fix any broken or cracked seals that could lead to mold or water damage.

If you have it in the budget, update the bathroom’s look with a new countertop, sink, faucet or toilet. Consider replacing the floor and finishing things off with a fresh coat of paint to increase your home’s value.

Redecorate with paint

If you’ve got rooms with bold colors, design experts recommend painting over with neutral shades. This way, it’s easier for the buyer to picture their own color preferences without being distracted by loud walls.

Create space

A simple, inexpensive way to increase the value of your home is by making it look bigger. Stage your furniture to best fit the space or remove certain pieces to add air to your home. An open-floor plan is on a lot of buyers’ lists, so work with what you’ve got to make the most space.

Aim for light window treatments

A small detail that often goes overlooked are the windows in your home. Many curtains are bulky and block light from entering the room. Make sure your windows let in as much light as possible to really give the room an attractive appearance.

Add a layer of flooring

A stained, worn carpet can diminish the perceived value of your home. If you have the budget for it, new carpeting or other manufactured flooring options can help add real value to your home.

Budget for lighting upgrades

The right lighting in a room can make all the difference. Install dimmable lights so people are in control of the ambience in each room.

Which Home Improvements Add the Most Value?

Getting your home in shape for the market means investing in projects to increase your home’s value — plain and simple. But you may be surprised where your dollars will do the most for you:

Replace your garage door

Curb appeal and alley appeal mean a lot to buyers and brokers. Invest a few of those hard-earned dollars and get an upscale garage door that makes your home look beautiful.

Replace your old windows

Few things speak to buyer's concerns more than new windows. Their presence means a warm, reliable home in the winter and a cool, comfortable space in the summer.

Rebuild your deck

Again, it’s those new man-made decking materials that buyers seek because they’re bound to last longer and won’t require as much annual maintenance.

Apply manufactured stone veneer to your exterior

New technological advances in stone veneer can quickly add an air of elegance to the exterior of your house.

Adding Curb Appeal

From replacing tired flower beds to busting out your cracked driveway to make way for a new one, there’s a lot to be said for curb appeal and first impressions. Take a look at these ideas to help you sell your home at a higher price.


People often judge a book by its cover, and in this case, the outside of your home is what buyers will judge first. Make sure your lawn is healthy, weed-free and freshly mowed. Likewise, it’s smart to prune trees and shrubs, weed flower beds and add potted plants around the garage and entrance.

Front-door makeover

The front door can be a crucial focal point of your home’s curb appeal. Think about painting the door with a distinctive color, or if you have the funds available, consider replacing it with one that’s eye-catching and up to date.

Replace concrete sidewalks and driveways

If your property’s walkable and drivable surfaces are uneven, they’re more than just an eyesore. Buyers may find that an otherwise attractive home isn’t worth the investment because of what it’s going to take to replace them. Get that hard work done for them and fold the cost — plus a little more — into your new asking price.

Take The Next Steps Towards Your Dream Home

Open the shades, let some fresh air in and get excited about adding value to your home! Consider trying our other ideas for appraising and staging to sell your home. That way, you can confidently focus on finding the next special place where you can pursue your dreams.

Before moving into your new place, talk to your American Family Insurance agent (Opens in a new tab) and check out our homeowners or renters coverages to make sure your hard-earned dream never goes unprotected.

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