Image of a home monitoring system mounted on the wall.

Home Security Options

Updated December 9, 2021 . AmFam Team

Learn about how your home can benefit from all the advances that have been made in smart home monitoring technology.

Your home is your castle and it plays a big role in your life. Protect it, keeping it safe and secure with a smart home security system. They’re more convenient, capable and easier to use than they’ve ever been. And here’s the best part: we reward smart behavior!

You can qualify for discount on your homeowners premium with the installation of a qualifying home security system, and if the system is smart home enabled, you may get an additional discount. Find out more about WiFi enabled home devices in our Smart Home, Smart Choice article. It’s ok if you’re not sure where to start — that’s where we come in. Take a look at how this new tech can give you that extra piece of mind.

What is Smart Home Security

Ever since a person’s home has been deemed their “castle,” the means to protect it (and its treasures within) has been a top priority. When a castle was literally just that – a castle – moats, spiked walls, and cannons were the preferred method of home security.

Eventually, as homes became more modest the means of protection changed a great deal. Old-school alarm systems that were only monitored by the security service provider, iron bars in windows, and of course the “Warning: Attack Dog on the Premises!” became the way to go. But now, with the rise of cloud computing, smartphones, and other technological advances, home security has changed a great deal.

The biggest difference between today’s modern home security and the means of years past, is the ability for the homeowner to remotely monitor their home’s well being from anywhere their smartphone can get an internet connection. So, pretty much everywhere.

Let’s face it, moats are a bit much, iron bars are an eyesore, and nobody wants to fee a junkyard dog. Thus, smart home security has become a surprising affordable go-to to protect your home and your family’s valuables. 

Custom Design Your Smart Home Security System

Many systems now integrate directly with your smart phone giving you real-time feedback on the status of your home. You can remotely arm, disarm and monitor your home security camera feed and check in on your place no matter where you are.

Local authorities and private security groups respond to automated alarms according to their own policies. Typical home security systems have a central monitoring station that calls you at a pre-determined number when an alarm is triggered. The operator calls to gather information and contact 911 for you if it’s a legitimate alarm. If it’s a false alarm, you can tell them to disregard the notice. Here’s a sampling of why alarms can really pay off.

Benefits of Smart Home Security Systems

The many benefits of a smart home security system truly speak for themselves. Here’s a quick sampling of some key advantages of the modern smart home security system.

  • Quick connection to all your smart devices. 
  • Smart locks are your digital key. If you’ve ever misplaced your home keys, then you understand how excellent it is to be able to unlock your home with your phone. Plus, there’s no need to worry about someone making a copy of your key.
  • Control your garage. Ever had that feeling that you’ve left your garage door open, making it an inviting gateway into your home? With a smart home security system, you can close your garage door on the go.

Security Systems Monitor 24/7

Fire and smoke sensors are now connected to monitoring systems, which means you don’t need to be home to hear a smoke alarm or call the fire department — the security group will immediately alert emergency services, saving precious time. When no one is home, fires typically burn for several minutes before neighbors notice smoke or flames. That’s enough time for a house to be fully engulfed in flames. With early warning systems like these, you can rest a little easier when you’re away.

Monitoring companies will also notify 911 in the event of a health-related emergency. Wearable medical panic buttons are an option for seniors or those at risk while home alone, and family members can be alerted if an emergency notification is triggered.

Dogs and cats welcome

Older security system motion sensors were often fooled into triggering an alarm by larger pets — but that’s not the case anymore! Today, sensors are smarter and can be set to accommodate many motion sensing scenarios, including a pet-friendly mode.

Older homes are easily integrated

Some believe that new construction accommodates alarm systems better than older buildings. Newer homes may be designed and built with a home security system in mind, but a door, however old, is still a door. And so is a window. Sensing systems work the same way on both new and old homes, and today’s systems can be mounted to almost any piece of architecture, no matter the age.

Upgraded Security

Now available with wireless connectivity to local cell networks, thwarting an alarm isn’t as easy today. Some home monitoring systems are offering “crash and smash protection” which can defend you when a thief decides to destroy your control panel. Unless you signal "all's clear," the monitoring team takes action, sending help. (Opens in a new tab)This affords a secure, wireless option in addition to traditional wired plans.

People install security systems in their homes because they work. American Family offers a premium discount for active-contract alarm systems because we know they make your home a safer place, and we want to reward you for taking that extra step getting the protection you deserve. Monitoring groups frequently provide a sign, posted squarely in view at the front of your home. Believe it or not, that alone has been proven to deter prowlers. Here’s another huge benefit: wirelessly connected systems will work even if the power goes out. Knowing your home is fortified with an alarm can make your place a less appealing target, and that is a popular idea.

How Much Does Home Security System Cost?

Many people are wary of the cost of an alarm system, thinking the installation plus monthly contract fee won’t fit their budget. While home security systems can get costly, today’s alarm technology has increased in efficiency and decreased in price. Given how much is at stake, that up-front investment and a monthly service plan will seem like a bargain! Home security systems can provide peace of mind in knowing the things you value most are protected whether you're at home or elsewhere.

Now trending

People install security systems in their homes because they work. American Family offers a premium discount for active-contract alarm systems because we know they make your home a safer place, and we want to reward you for taking that extra step getting the protection you deserve. Monitoring groups frequently provide a sign, posted squarely in view at the front of your home. Believe it or not, that alone has been proven to deter prowlers. Here’s another huge benefit: wirelessly connected systems will work even if the power goes out. Knowing your home is fortified with an alarm can make your place a less appealing target, and that’s a pretty popular idea.

Sleek, efficient design options

Unlike the bulky and frequently hard-to-learn systems of the past, modern alarm systems are designed to be attractive as well as functional. A full color touch pad adds elegance to the design, too. IP-based home monitoring systems are so easy to use, homeowners can install and activate their monitoring contract right through their in-home broadband service. And they’re saving on the labor costs, too. Low profile components don’t attract attention and even exterior cameras that can pan and zoom on demand are housed inside discrete plastic domes.

Get More With your Smart Home Security with American Family Insurance

Now that you've learned more about the benefits of smart security, are you ready to further protect your home? Connect with an American Family Insurance agent (Opens in a new tab) today to upgrade your home and make it safer and smarter.

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